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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Gannilos Hornbuck Beast 2928 37555 1240 829 43358 116178
Gannilos Hornbuck (Champion) Beast 2928 50638 1941 1127 59056 157870
Gannilos Hunter Human 2929 9176 830 68639 4366 116217
Gannilos Witch Doctor Human 2930 20360 19463 19455 23760 116256
Gannilos Possessed Voodoo Doll Golem 2931 15529 25451 24964 17122 116295
Gannilos Voodoo Zombie Rogue Undead 2932 11626 67421 830 3217 116334
Gannilos Slith Chimera Reptile 2933 79886 831 831 34160 23275
Gannilos Red Chimera Feline 2934 38704 1555 831 42059 116413
Gannilos Goreor Chimera Canine 2935 11677 831 67167 3503 116452
Narrac Vampiric Raptor Reptile 2936 19570 19215 20797 23624 116491
Narrac Undead Raven Undead 2937 15663 25771 26038 15762 116530
Narrac Tunnel Hunter Vermin 2938 9035 67450 832 5944 116570
Narrac Kyrop Terror Demon 2939 76099 832 832 38177 23322
Narrac Mare of Doom Magical 2940 39833 1704 833 40948 116648
Narrac Mare of Doom (Champion) Magical 2940 51022 2472 1132 58592 158508
Narrac Necromantic Terror Undead 2941 9392 833 70111 3010 116687
Narrac Necrofused Ubergrub Magical 2942 20405 19704 20504 22761 116726
Narrac Heartless Warrior Undead 2943 15273 26586 25910 15633 116766
Narrac Gluttonous Wanderer Undead 2944 11015 70901 834 680 116805
Narrac Warrior Undead 2945 62970 834 834 51537 23369
Narrac Fleshling Demon 2946 38365 1681 834 42606 116883
Narrac Dark Shade Undead 2947 9149 835 69682 3848 116922
Narrac Lifedrinker Undead 2948 19527 20412 20622 22980 116962
Narrac Amalgam of Undeath Undead 2949 15598 25732 25427 16814 117001
Narrac Deathblade Undead 2950 8791 67780 836 6192 117040

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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