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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Ice Crusted Treeman (Elite) Plant 4300 289933 3960 3960 253378 110880
Poranian Bheur Lord (Elite) Magical 4300 179343 6926 3870 196859 541800
Poranian Coo Knight Mounted 4300 108138 1214 1214 58422 33992
Stone Chomper (Legendary) Beast 4300 29675 53696 53124 32204 236180
The Toad King (Legendary) Aquatic 4300 10560 77945 968 7375 135590
Poranian Thistle Bogle Magical 4301 57581 1415 1214 61216 169999
Poranian Ravager Demon 4302 13355 1214 101492 5393 170038
Venarian Bracken Sylph Magical 4303 28214 28064 29115 36089 170078
Venarian Glades Dryad Magical 4304 21620 38408 36908 24574 170117
Venarian Fey of the Grove Magical 4305 12525 98619 1215 9179 170156
Venarian Willow Nymph Plant 4306 77958 1215 1215 88832 34039
Venarian Faun Magical 4307 56657 3029 1215 60693 170234
Venarian Nether Demon Demon 4308 13627 1216 100161 6618 170274
Venarian Nether Demon (Champion) Demon 4308 21544 1652 136291 5716 231286
Venarian Ancient Grove Treeman Plant 4309 28035 30249 29000 34366 170313
Venarian Gryphon Beast 4310 20076 38687 38765 24150 170352
Venarian Unicorn of Light Magical 4311 16405 99572 1217 4512 170391
Venarian Deer Beast 4312 78833 1217 1217 88188 34086
Venarian River Troll Greenskin 4313 53675 1666 1217 65203 170470
Venarian Leopard Centaur Feline 4314 16952 1217 97603 6018 170509
Venarian Woad Forest Elf Elf 4315 28024 29708 28147 35939 170548
Venarian Archer Elf 4316 21708 36616 38014 25508 170587
Venarian Sword Guard Elf 4317 12366 99699 1218 8590 170626
Venarian Sword Guard (Champion) Elf 4317 19969 134066 1655 9854 231764
Venarian Swordsman Elf 4318 99707 1219 1219 67545 34134

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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