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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Zorgoth Iakam Shark Aquatic 3264 69901 923 923 56860 25870
Zorgoth Man Eating Sponge Aquatic 3265 41898 2711 924 46885 129388
Zorgoth Greater Poison Starfish Aquatic 3266 13442 924 74323 3757 129427
Zorgoth Monstrous Dart Frogor Aquatic 3267 21563 23017 21289 26605 129466
Zorgoth Greater Gymnothorax Aquatic 3268 21544 21610 22183 27166 129506
Zorgoth Ridged Gymnothorax (Champion) Aquatic 3268 31352 30742 30929 32659 175958
Zorgoth Rotting Kraken Human 3269 12330 75259 925 4017 129545
Zorgoth Leviathan Aquatic 3270 63090 925 925 63901 25917
Zorgoth Athornt Aquatic 3271 42169 1240 925 48252 129623
Zorgoth Bull Bahamut Aquatic 3272 12459 926 75131 4099 129662
Zorgoth Elephus Bahamut Aquatic 3273 21766 22921 22701 25253 129702
Zorgoth Hippo Bahamut Human 3274 14048 28518 29221 20882 129741
Calagroo the Unchecked (Legendary) Human 3275 33174 1884 743 38497 104020
Hakulaq Alpha (Elite) Aquatic 3275 172123 2947 2947 232273 82530
The Boom Hawk (Super Elite) Avian 3275 335408 6960 6960 619503 194880
Zorgoth Hakulaq Aquatic 3275 13586 75784 927 2402 129780
Zorgoth Discordant Miasma Undead 3276 21873 22105 22145 26604 129819
Zorgoth Corrupted Conch Aquatic 3277 16806 29288 28084 18576 129858
Birannith Deryosaurus Reptile 3278 11866 75343 927 4646 129898
Birannith Dragon Turtle Aquatic 3279 70006 928 928 57332 25988
Birannith Orc Greenskin 3280 42704 1377 928 47828 129976
Birannith Orc (Champion) Greenskin 3280 59198 2069 1261 63609 176596
Birannith Flying Piranha Aquatic 3281 9887 928 75206 6846 130015
Wiranage Sea Serpent Reptile 3282 22210 21807 23174 25702 130054
Wiranage Leopard Seal Beast 3283 17016 29576 28640 17690 130094

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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