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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Ash Waste Nomad Human 152 475 640 745 668 1338
Ash Waste Shaman Human 153 565 505 618 735 1453
Ash Waste Shaman (Champion) Human 153 1175 868 768 1150 2150
Ash Wolf Canine 154 665 665 543 635 1388
Ash Wolf (Champion) Canine 154 1344 215 406 788 1600
Ashen Guardsman Golem 155 665 593 670 635 1363
Ashen Brute Golem 156 680 648 623 660 1310
Ashen Brute (Champion) Human 156 868 805 1168 1043 2445
Fire Deity Demon 157 685 585 615 670 1418
Devil of Torment Beast 158 665 685 665 630 1323
Brotherhood Crusader Undead 159 505 991 776 931 3205
Magma Beast Demon 159 630 660 705 668 1343
Magma Beast (Champion) Demon 159 873 1168 873 920 2703
Zovrak the Unicorn (Elite) Demon 159 1850 2125 1875 1900 5035
Ash Cloud Elemental Golem 160 705 605 705 670 1365
Samael (Legendary) Demon 160 751 672 934 892 3250
Bloodhorn Undead 161 665 638 748 695 1350
Bloodhorn (Champion) Undead 162 1025 1100 975 1025 2500
Uknor Skeleton Undead 162 688 703 675 655 1400
Waste Stalker Undead 163 765 620 640 770 1390
Organ Harvester Human 164 765 690 635 720 1450
Waste Stalker (Champion) Undead 164 1025 995 1075 1100 2550
Flesh Golem Golem 165 720 665 645 720 1615
Flesh Berserker Golem 166 765 235 1145 735 1515
Flesh Golem (Champion) Golem 166 1085 1090 1175 1135 2345

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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