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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Othirem Hound Canine 2183 29444 1000 620 31029 86934
Othirem Dune Walker Undead 2184 27919 990 621 32621 87013
Ulthwel Orc Greenskin 2185 28435 803 621 32319 87052
Ulthwel Orc (Champion) Greenskin 2185 37848 2216 845 43619 118342
Ulthwel Mud Monster Beast 2186 29555 973 622 31056 87091
Ulthwel Marsh Specter Undead 2187 28155 860 622 32597 87130
Ulthwel Man Trap Plant 2188 27227 1049 622 33364 87170
Ulthwel Water Element Magical 2189 29558 1480 622 30630 87209
Ulthwel Malogre Reptile 2190 28241 806 623 32649 87248
Ulthwel Katannisdile Reptile 2191 27277 761 623 33684 87287
Lliya Capcaun Canine 2192 29133 1656 623 30962 87326
Lliya Barbtooth Reptile 2193 29015 1668 624 31095 87366
Lliya Orc Greenskin 2194 27094 1714 624 32998 87405
Lliya Cyclops Beast 2195 28213 1776 624 31845 87444
Lliya Elemental Magical 2196 29108 1276 624 31477 87483
Lliya Ibex Beast 2197 27091 1746 625 33053 87522
Lliya Ibex (Champion) Beast 2197 20921 20073 20061 23929 118980
Souale Goblin Greenskin 2198 29984 1734 625 30199 87562
Souale Vespid Avian 2199 29984 1734 625 30199 87562
Iklilian of the First Brood (Titan) Magical 2200 144713 2070 2070 139291 57960
Kraganath the Destroyer (Titan) Magical 2200 93327 5377 1980 97314 277200
Souale Zargen Avian 2200 29984 1734 625 30199 87562
Xinchi the Mighty (Elite) Dragon 2200 92686 5575 1980 97758 277200
Savaged Eidolon Magical 2201 29871 1261 626 30841 87640
Infuriated Darkness Magical 2202 28939 1355 626 31733 87718

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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