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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Overcharged Spirit Undead 36 95 28 100 125 88
GooberNoob Bird (Game) Avian 37 285 77 101 301 765
Grotesque Sheep Undead 37 80 100 80 100 90
Mortek the Bright (Elite) Golem 37 237 205 262 291 205
Vampire Titan Undead 37 40 90 23 203 90
Crystal Golem Golem 38 95 95 85 95 85
Jawdore Griffin (Elite) Avian 38 375 450 375 375 850
Doom Sheep Demon 39 105 10 95 103 155
Gargoyle Enforcer Golem 39 90 55 95 65 175
Amazon Mage Human 40 75 125 110 75 95
Amazon Warrior Human 40 95 95 95 105 95
Cave Raptor Reptile 40 63 133 108 53 125
Leghra Deathspinner (Elite) Beast 40 951 302 324 1021 2600
Leghra Deathspinner Queen (Legendary) Beast 40 1384 665 607 2222 4880
Leghra Recluse (Champion) Beast 40 192 117 93 421 825
Leghra Spiderling Beast 40 171 146 198 307 825
Corrupted Knight (Elite) Human 41 250 150 175 438 225
Lost Soul Undead 42 108 53 100 123 123
Orc Brute (Champion) Greenskin 42 175 170 210 60 225
Vampire Magus Undead 43 43 53 103 245 75
Vampire Magus (Champion) Undead 44 125 155 145 285 170
Blind Stalker (Elite) Beast 45 475 400 525 475 800
Blood Golem Golem 45 53 203 30 35 220
Blood Golem (Champion) Golem 45 78 255 105 105 358
Blue Quango Avian 45 255 98 125 444 925

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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