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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Fenarion Ravenous Spawn Demon 3620 15581 31349 31005 24423 143304
Perditus Granite Golem Golem 3621 10795 84568 1023 6000 143343
Perditus Sepharom Halfspear Reptile 3622 58551 1024 1024 81962 28677
Perditus Sepharom Blade Reptile 3623 44238 1618 1024 55562 143422
Perditus Sepharom Weaver Reptile 3624 13297 1024 85867 2282 143461
Perditus Sepharom Battle Caster Reptile 3625 24088 25104 24370 28937 143500
Perditus Sepharom Blade Lord (Elite) Human 3625 55756 98501 104308 67684 456750
Tantibus Immortuos (Dragon LE) Dragon 3625 42377 842 842 73145 23576
Perditus Pterosaur Reptile 3626 24385 25441 24541 28159 143539
Perditus Piderbug Vermin 3627 16327 31411 31877 22939 143578
Perditus Hrodvitnir Canine 3628 14383 84588 1025 2586 143618
Perditus Crushing Fist Orc Greenskin 3629 73892 1026 1026 66891 28732
Perditus Blood Eye Orc Greenskin 3630 49055 2709 1026 49848 143696
Perditus Deranged Troll Greenskin 3631 14395 1026 82248 4997 143735
Hellador Orc Warrior Greenskin 3632 25233 24445 23894 29122 143774
Hellador Orc Warrior (Champion) Greenskin 3632 32723 34273 33052 39466 195322
Hellador Bone Ogre Undead 3633 20064 32514 31605 18540 143814
Bone Golem of Hellador Undead 3634 11545 82916 1027 7261 143853
Hellador Bile Skolex Vermin 3635 71748 1027 1027 69267 28779
Hellador Lash Skolex Vermin 3636 48749 1920 1028 51109 143931
Hellador Rubble Hunter Golem 3637 12116 1028 86565 3125 143970
Hellador Lesser Basilisk Reptile 3638 25698 24839 24704 27621 144010
Hellador Rock Goin Reptile 3639 16164 32138 32295 22293 144049
Fridagor Bahaka Demon 3640 14203 86278 1029 1408 144088
Fridagor Troglodyte Beast 3641 67261 1029 1029 73983 28826

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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