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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Tywith Stalker Beast 2516 8293 59466 714 2945 99988
Tywith Zombie Farmer Undead 2517 34642 714 714 63384 20006
Tywith Zombie Farmhand Undead 2518 31015 1146 714 38599 100066
Tywith Zombie Dairy Cow Undead 2519 8775 715 58640 3372 100106
Zombie Dairy Cow (Champion) Undead 2519 14111 972 78258 3879 136111
Tywith Zombie Milkmaid Undead 2520 16509 16718 16709 21593 100145
Tywith Hunter Human 2521 33000 900 715 36944 100184
Tywith Archer Human 2522 8033 58222 715 4616 100223
Tywith Hell Hound Demon 2523 32459 1490 716 36977 100302
Tywith Yaguarete Undead 2524 32511 716 716 65821 20069
Vanasaar the Frightful (Elite) Human 2525 42766 72301 72235 39946 318150
Vanasaars Guardsmen Human 2525 16725 17441 17454 20078 100380
Varmints (Legendary) Demon 2525 64532 974 974 69169 27286
Dresnoth Zombie Crusader Undead 2526 60123 717 717 38286 20084
Dresnoth Zombie Paladin Undead 2527 32091 1625 717 37321 100458
Dresnoth Specter Undead 2528 9004 717 58155 3905 100498
Dresnoth Terror Demon 2529 16554 17315 17585 20356 100537
Dresnoth Pushevs Magical 2530 13133 22212 22955 13537 100576
Dresnoth Bonegwar Beast 2531 8653 58011 718 4484 100615
Bonegwar Smasher (Champion) Beast 2532 42428 1748 977 52561 136802
Dresnoth Bonegwar Smasher Beast 2532 43069 1381 977 52287 136802
Dresnoth Bonegwar Grinder Beast 2533 31414 1952 719 37838 100694
Dresnoth Slammer Beast 2534 9400 719 58073 3758 100733
Dresnoth Bane Ogre Beast 2535 17389 17357 17037 20194 100772
Dresnoth Gas Tarman Magical 2536 10959 22117 21754 17175 100811

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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