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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Geldaroth Giant Fiddler Crab Aquatic 5057 33570 35645 35592 37787 199634
Geldaroth Giant Fiddler Crab (Champion) Aquatic 5057 45437 45461 46852 55915 271132
Geldaroth Coastal Ammonite Aquatic 5058 27685 44389 45164 25384 199674
Geldaroth Carnivorous Clam Aquatic 5059 20022 117036 1426 4167 199713
Geldaroth Flying Piranha Aquatic 5060 137602 1426 1426 58154 39951
Geldaroth Dragon Turtle Aquatic 5061 64882 3309 1427 73089 199791
Geldaroth Sand Crawler Beast 5062 21086 1427 120771 1 199830
Geldaroth Plesiosaur Aquatic 5063 33592 32997 33048 43125 199870
Geldaroth Giant Sea Scorpion Aquatic 5064 21437 42929 43170 35255 199909
Geldaroth Hook Pirate Human 5065 20375 118441 1428 2575 199948
Geldaroth Pirate Bomber Human 5066 75511 1428 1428 120476 39998
Geldaroth Pirate Bosun Human 5067 62787 4211 1428 74447 200026
Geldaroth Pistol Pirate Human 5068 18474 1429 117050 5949 200066
Geldaroth Pirate Brawler Human 5069 35061 34040 34190 39639 200105
Geldaroth Sea Dog Human 5070 22345 43667 43097 33850 200144
Geldaroth Pirate Grenadier Human 5071 16055 116162 1429 9340 200183
Geldaroth Skeletal Mariner Undead 5072 77110 1430 1430 119107 40045
Geldaroth Skeletal Mariner (Champion) Undead 5072 108694 1942 1942 157797 54386
Geldaroth Voodoo Zombie Undead 5073 68376 3828 1430 69408 200262
Geldaroth Killer Undead 5074 15456 1430 115719 10465 200301
Geldaroth Lwar Demon 5075 34010 34936 35138 39014 200340
Geldaroth Summoner (Elite) Human 5075 91104 139512 139469 86662 639450
Lenarog Ring Necked Seagull Avian 5076 26712 44911 43673 27831 200379
Lenarog Elephus Bahamut Aquatic 5077 21021 118615 1431 2087 200418
Lenarog Bull Bahamut Aquatic 5078 66264 1431 1431 130185 40092

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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