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Name Class Level Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Fanaraloth Dragon Lord (Champion) Mounted 3586 90111 1377 1377 98906 38575
Fanaraloth Willow Nymph Plant 3587 46257 2495 1014 51669 142010
Nerathon Flying Piranha Aquatic 3588 13317 1014 86144 987 142050
Nerathon Grofflesnout Shark Aquatic 3589 23882 24267 24406 28936 142089
Nerathon Sand Crab Swarm Aquatic 3590 18168 31557 31067 20727 142128
Nerathon Salt Jinni Golem 3591 15068 82225 1015 3237 142167
Nerathon Killer Undead 3592 62498 1015 1015 76863 28442
Nerathon Mistar Demon 3593 46681 1844 1016 52061 142246
Nerathon Lwar Demon 3594 10703 1016 83530 6381 142285
Nerathon Skeletal Mariner Undead 3595 23394 23439 24312 30512 142324
Nerathon Skeletal Mariner (Champion) Undead 3595 32809 33859 32867 38573 193354
Nerathon Pirate Brawler Human 3596 20145 31704 32099 17738 142363
Nerathon Pirate Grenadier Human 3597 11178 85067 1017 4452 142402
Nerathon Pirate Captain Human 3598 81493 1017 1017 58099 28489
Nerathon Pirate Bomber Human 3599 47535 1550 1017 51668 142481
Nerathon Hook Pirate Human 3600 12155 1018 84240 4385 142520
Prince Tyler (Legendary) Human 3600 11621 70352 836 840 117110
Shroud Nightmare Centaur (Legendary) Mounted 3600 60800 792 792 47931 22190
The Egg (STF Titan) Magical 3600 149092 6514 3330 174062 466200
The Pirate Lord (Elite) Human 3600 153443 4643 3240 162672 453600
Nerathon Giant Fiddler Crab Aquatic 3601 24365 24918 24073 28470 142559
Nerathon Giant Fiddler Crab (Champion) Aquatic 3601 34004 34446 32128 37758 193673
Fenarion Pirate Human 3602 16327 31397 31680 22451 142598
Fenarion Battle Turret Aquatic 3603 12774 83250 1018 4840 142638
Fenarion Athornt Aquatic 3604 75270 1019 1019 64553 28536

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Note: Stats for Attack, Defense, Armor, Damage and HP are the average for each creature.

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